René Grieskamp

René Grieskamp

Social Media Manager

Felix Fischer-Reinke

Felix Fischer-Reinke

Senior Project Manager & CEO TMC Live

One agency – and yet many

TMC _ The Marketing Company is the place where marketing enthusiasts can show their stuff helping a wide variety of brands from B2B and B2C develop and roll out long-term marketing strategies and activities.

We’re more than 40 creative minds, but we share one common goal: to make brands digitally visible. That’s why we cultivate a strong team spirit that fuels unique and, in some cases, award-winning results.

Niklas Roskosch

Niklas Roskosch

Junior Project Manager

Karl-Albert Bieringer
Karl-Albert Bieringer

Head of Finance & Controlling

Max Johannes Feldmann
Max Johannes Feldmann

Technical Success Manager

Nils Neuwöhner

Nils Neuwöhner

Senior Web Developer & IT Administrator

We live by the motto „Come as you are".

TMC United Flossbau
Jenna Kwasny

Jenna Kwasny

Junior Project Manager


Click here for our vacancies.

Lara Vassmer
Lara Vassmer


Christina Niemann
Christina Niemann


Eva Willenborg

Eva Willenborg

Project Manager

Gina Thiele

Gina Thiele


Both inside our company ...

We like people who are exceptional in their own way, individuals who are simply themselves and have a passion for what drives them: connecting brands, markets and people. No matter the gender, age or origin, everyone has a place here. At TMC, no one has to pretend to be someone they’re not. We consider respect and appreciation fundamental values in our work together.

Mirco Welsing
Mirco Welsing

Senior Marketing Consultant & CEO

Andreas Knepper
Andreas Knepper

Senior Marketing Consultant

Hendrik Meierzuherde

Hendrik Meierzuherde

UX+UI Specialist

Gina Thiele

Gina Thiele


Carina Graskamp

Carina Graskamp

Content Marketing Manager

Anna Meyer zu Westram

Anna Meyer zu Westram

Content Marketing Manager

Manuel Berkemeier

Manuel Berkemeier

Creative Media Producer

Felix Steinmann

Felix Steinmann


Fiodor Guzun
Fiodor Guzun

IT-Service Manager

Katja Cramer-Bender
Katja Cramer-Bender

Senior Editor & Copywriterin

… and outside of it.

We don’t change our customers or make them into what they’re not. We help them to develop — purposefully, strategically and sustainably. We support the evolution of their brand personalities and create authentic messages that engage, persuade and inspire people.

TMC United Cooking
Rita Bieringer
Rita Bieringer


Sebastian Filla

Sebastian Filla

Co-Founder & CEO @ Amplio

Paul Siegel

Paul Siegel

Tech Lead & Senior Web Developer


Click here for our vacancies.

Raphael Schlaff

Raphael Schlaff

Web Developer

Gesche Frillmann
Gesche Frillmann

Project Manager & Designer

Jan Hendrik Leifker

Jan Hendrik Leifker

Co-Founder & CEO @ Amplio

Get in touch!

Getting to know new people and exchanging ideas is always worthwhile. So if you’ve got a burning question or just want to share a cup of coffee, we’ve got some good answers and a coffee machine waiting for you right here. You can also reach out to us by phone or on LinkedIn. We look forward to each and every call and individual message we receive.

Jannik Stodiek

Jannik Stodiek

Video Producer

Julia Sattmann

Julia Sattmann

Senior Project Manager

Florian Potthoff

Florian Potthoff

Senior Project Manager & CEO TMC Live

Joanna Glynn
Joanna Glynn

Project Manager

Nele Manegold

Nele Manegold

Project Manager

Ingo Franke
Ingo Franke

Senior Designer

Estuardo Vargas

Estuardo Vargas

Senior UX+UI Designer

Bettina Schürmann
Bettina Schürmann


Martina Zurmühlen
Martina Zurmühlen

Management Assistant

Tamara Lifke
Tamara Lifke

Marketing Manager


Click here for our vacancies.

Apply now

TMC_ The
Marketing Company

TMC Brandwork

Strategic Brand Development & Management


WebTech & Digital Marketing for more visibility

TMC Live

Inspiring live experiences & authentic video productions